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We would like to more clearly differentiate and appreciate the spectrum of quality that exists in green coffee. Coffees in each of the following categories below have a function; a designated role in the bigger scheme of things.

Remember - Our coffees are intentionally curated- if we don't like it, we don't buy it. Below is an explanation of our four quality tiers on our offer list to help you make better use of each coffees function.  


Bottom Line.

These lots typically score 80 SCA or slightly lower and are intended to assist in improving profit margins , or 'the bottom line' so to say. Even though these lots will be  lower on the quality spectrum, you can rest assured we will find the very best in this segment.


This segment of our offer list is composed of coffees between 80 and 82 SCA score. As with all our coffees, they are intentionally curated for quality and purpose, while being incredibly high value at a competitive price.
These are the big hits that are intended to make up most of the well crafted blends on the market. But don't be fooled by the term conventional, it's merely a formality. you will often find that GCS conventional lots are above the rest- with positive attributes that spark creativity and enjoyment in the craft. These are the staples we have always been looking for.

Pro Series.
These lots showcase terroir and offer a broad scope in the sense of versatility in roasting, all while maintaining a competitive price point.
Want to refine the acidity profile, improve mouthfeel quality, manipulate sweetness type and still be able to easily quantify the results?
Then these lots are for you. These coffees will typically score between 82 and 84. They are borderline specialty. On green grading analysis- these coffees perform like champs but maybe just missed the mark. If you know how to roast, you'll scare the competition, regardless of what they are using.



These are highly traceable micro-lots, with an immaculate green grading analysis and pristine cup character and quality. They typically score 84+. Terroir is showcased in the truest sense. We'll always endeavour to find the most interesting and unique micro-lots we can get our hands on. Stay tuned for when we release our specialty line-up.

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